Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Hard at Work



Lincoln loves the computer, so we thought we'd let him play with my ANCIENT laptop from college (wow, technology has come a long way in the past 8 years!) He loves to bang away at the keys and do his "work". Occasionally I "help" him look up some of my treasured Napster songs :)
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Dani said...

I was going to ask if that was an Alienware or something because even though Lincoln is a genius, I don't think I'd let a toddler play with such a fine piece of equipment as a mac. A mac is not a toy but rather a work of art...heh.

So even though I'm a mac-lover, I need to come babysit sometime. Otherwise he might forget me and we can't have that.

Kelly Peterson said...

Link likes using the pi-uter?! Babies advanced in their technology understanding.

Peter Giles said...

Ryan -- Link reminds me of you at that age--if there had been a laptop, you would have been using it. This boy is social and a charmer.