Friday, July 17, 2009

Our Techno-Saavy 2 year-old

Lincoln has an iPod Touch - well, I actually have an iPod Touch, but from the day I got it he has pretty much claimed it for himself. I know, letting a 2 year-old play with an expensive electronic device is probably not the wisest idea. We get some pretty interesting looks from people watching him use it on the bus or in the doctor's office that seem to say "Spoiled American kid"...well, that may be so, but it keeps him entertained, and he knows how to use it really well!! He can play the bowling game - changing the ball color and lanes with ease and then bowl a strike. He scrolls through our family pictures. He watches downloaded videos of "Little Einsteins" and "Super Why". He does all of these independently without any help or prompting from us.

But the most impressive of all, is that he loves YouTube. If we type in a search for him (ie: Jets, Trains, Bowling [yeah, he loves bowling]) he will go through the video clips and choose the ones he wants to watch. He even has his favorites that he can recognize from the thumbnail pictures. Here are Lincoln's YouTube picks of the week:

I'm just waiting for him to send an email to someone! I don't think it's too far off!


Karen said...

Hahaha! So glad to see Lincoln's picks of the week! Too funny.

Lulu said...

That's so cool! I mean, if he can use it well, then all power to him. I let Nina play w/ my phone too, she loves it.
You can already tell what kinds of things he'll be interested in. He'll be in the Air Force and have bowling be his down-time hobby. hahaha!

Lant Family said...

it is so true---these kids know how to do stuff!! JJs mom is visiting and she has a really cool phone and Lucy picked it up and said wow Grandma that is a really nice phone you have!

gretchen said...

It is amazing that kids seem to learn technology so fast.! I usually don't let Scott play with my iPod touch since all he likes to do right now is gnaw on it. But maybe in a year or two, he can look up YouTube videos instead. Good idea! :)

Laura said...

That is quite amazing. Little kids learn really fast.