Yesterday the weather was supposed to be completely rubbish (new English lingo we're picking up) - but instead it was absolutely gorgeous, so we decided to head to the beach. Not quite the beach that we native-Californians are used to, but lovely and fun in its own regard.
If you're unfamiliar with Brighton beaches, they're made of stones, not sand. The water must be quite chilly too because there are rarely any swimmers - maybe a kid dipping their toes in or a person wearing a full-body wet suit braving the water. Lincoln loves playing with the stones and was entertaining himself really well by rolling them down a little concrete wall and saying "Rock slide!" Then he decided to toss a stone in the direction of an old man wearing a Speedo laying on his stomach. I don't know if it actually hit him, but we decided it was probably time to leave the beach and give Link a lesson in not throwing things at people...even if you are trying to tell them to cover up more...because, who wants to see old guys (or anyone really!) in Speedos??
Another difference we noted: nude sunbathers!! Yep, we look over and some woman is bearing it all while she soaks up the sun. Are we in Southern France?! Sheesh! I don't know if this is allowed or how common it is here, but next time we come to the beach I'm going to have to bring blinders for Link...and Ryan.