Monday, October 5, 2009


This weekend we headed out to Drusillas, a cute zoo/playground/amusement park/Thomas-land - in other words, Lincoln's dream outing! My parents took Link there while they were visiting, but Ryan and I wanted to see it for ourselves. We weren't disappointed! Despite the cold, windy weather we had a great time.

Link driving like the crazy-boy he is! (notice the R-sided steering wheel) :)

Thomas!! Link is still talking about "Ride big Thomas!"

Playing in the gift shop...first he lined up all the toys...

...then sorted them.

Link LOVED the big slide! It was pretty tall and fast, he must have gone down it 20 times!

And Ellie's 2-month birthday was Saturday - wow, time flies! She liked Thomas almost as much as Lincoln.


Kelly Peterson said...

I like Lincoln's organizational skills he's acquiring! :)

That is SUCH a cute picture of Ellie. I am making it my desktop background. :)

Sounds like a fun outing!

tterb said...

What cute kids! Link looks like he had a ton of fun, and I LOVE Ellie's little smile!

Karen said...

Oh man, Ellie is so cute!

I'm so glad you went to Drusilla's. We loved being there with Lincoln. Nice of you to let him play on the big slide. We steered clear of that huge playground!

Miss you all.

Maile said...

Asher is totally jealous!! And how can Ellie be 2 months already?!?

Laura said...

Ellie is so cute. I can't believe how lucky you have been with your kids sleeping through the night when they were so young. I am glad that she is allowing you to catch up on some sleep.

I can see why Lincoln loves Drusillas so much. What a fun place for a kids. Also I am really impressed with Lincoln's sorting abilities. Smart.

Karen said...

cute new background!

Addy said...

Conor is really, really into choo-choos right now so I'm sure he would be jealous. Also, I'm obviously 2 months slow, but congrats on Ellie, she's adorable.

Malya said...

I sure want to meet your little one. She is so sweet! When are you done in England? Fun to read about your adventures.