Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Bedtime Fun

We put Ellie in the bath with Lincoln a while ago and he just loved it. Now he requests "Lincoln take bath, Baby Sister?" almost every night. He really likes to watch her kick in the water and just laughs and laughs at her.

Recently he has been trying to make her kick HIM by putting his face or legs within kicking range. Silly boy!

The kids also love their story time with Daddy. Lincoln's new favorite is reading the stories that are in the cute kid's magazines that they sell here. They are sold at any grocery store or newsstand and always come with stickers and a little toy. I wish they had them in the States!

Lincoln is talking more and more, and the more he talks the funnier it gets! Kids really do say the darnedest things! The other night we were having some potato soup with bacon on top and Ryan told Lincoln that bacon was made from pigs. Link then said "Peppa Pig!" (I'm not sure if it's in the US, but it's a really popular cartoon here). When he would want more bacon he then asked "More Peppa Pig?" Then he ate a hot dog and Link said "George!" (Peppa Pig's little brother). Strangely enough, naming the food actually made him want to eat it - so we might be naming other things as well! Any ideas for beef or lamb?! haha


Kelly Peterson said...

These pictures are soo cute! I love seeing the babies play together.
Lincoln is such a funny kid!! I was reading this post in the library and I was cracking up. :)
Love you guys!

Emily said...

How funny! Maybe he should be a farmer or rancher since he doesn't have a problem eating food with names. :)

Laura said...

It sounds like Lincoln is a great brother and that he just adores his little sister.
I think that it is funny that he doesn't have a problem eating food with names. What a funny kid.

Peter Giles said...

I enjoy all the pictures, but story time with dad and the eiffel tower fab fam of 4 are my favorites. dp