Don't you hate it when something very important is completely out of your hands??
This is the case with our upcoming move to the UK. We have rented a storage place. We have chosen a moving company to pack our stuff. We are selling our car. We have started packing up all our things. We are mentally READY to leave - except for one little thing - Lincoln's passport.
We sent in the paperwork back in early February being told that it would take 3-4 weeks to process. Now it is over 5 weeks later and still no passport. I have called the passport agency half a dozen times (and waited on hold for no less than 30 minutes each time), and all they can tell me is "it's still processing." I have since paid for an expedited processing time, but still to no avail. The worst part is that since it is the government, and the ONLY option for getting a passport, we have no choice but to wait. Their customer service can be terrible, they don't have to live up to published timelines, and what can I do about it? Nothing. Grrrrr.
On a lighter note, here are some fun/funny things about Link these days:
- He absolutely loves books, and for a while was wanting the same stories every day. But now he likes to mix it up each time. His current favorites: "If you give a Mouse a Cookie", "The Cat in the Hat", "Mater and the Ghost Light", "The New Baby", and "Thomas' ABCs".
- Speaking of ABCs, Link now knows one letter!! O! He can recognize it in books and different places, like in his name. He also usually can recognize P, S, and T - or he thinks every letter is "P".
- At dinner yesterday he had his Lightning McQueen car at the table with him and I looked over and he was using Lightning as a spoon - dipping him in dip and licking it off him! Yuck! No more toys at the table.
oh those bananas are so cute. and the abc thing is adorable. nina did that for a while...every letter to her was a "y". lol
hope to see you before you go.
So frustrating with the passport! We had a similar thing go down with our new license plate for our car...supposed to get it one month but didn't, our temporary tags expired, had to make phone calls, overnighted our new plates FINALLY....although it sounds like you have to wait a lot longer than that! Good luck! Link is so cute. Sounds like he likes to lick sauces just like Isabelle. She would drink the ranch dressing if I let her and she will eat salsa by the hand fulls...I'm not kidding. Aren't kids funny!
Ugh, Jamie, I'm so sorry! I hope everything works out soon!
I'd never considered using a toy car as a spoon, but if Link things it's a good idea...
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