I'm pretty much past the scared/nervous part and am just excited to meet my little girl. Ryan is definitely excited and is on constant "contraction watch" and is sure that any little change means she's coming - NOW. He even announced that I was having contractions on Facebook and I ended up with crazed emails from my mom asking if I was in labor. :) Lincoln is aware that a baby sister is coming because he always asks me to "Draw baby" for him, uses earbuds to "listen" to my tummy (like a stethoscope or ultrasound machine), and Ryan tells him stories about Lincoln and Daddy flying in jets to see the baby in the hospital. Other than that, I think he's in for a big surprise.
Here's my 39 week shot. I never made it to 39 weeks with Link, so this is a first for me!
Link wanted to get in on the photo-shoot - looking handsome in his church clothes.
The boys hard at work cutting the grass this weekend. Link is a great helper!